School Information
School Gate Hours
All gates will be opened at 7:40 AM. Supervision will not be provided until 7:40 am. For safety reason, we ask that you do not leave your child or children unattended prior to the opening of the school gates.
Rainy Day Procedures
Morning Drop-off Procedures:
•ETK, TK, and Kindergartens will enter through the auditorium doors.
•First through Fifth grade will enter through the front gate next to the office. Students will proceed to the classrooms.
•Tunney Gate will not be a drop off during rainy days.
School Dismissal Procedures:
•ETK will be dismissed at room 16's door.
•TK, K and first grade will be dismissed by room 16's gate.
•Second and third grade, Room 5 will be dismissed at the gate next to the office.
•Fourth and fifth grade will be dismissed through the auditorium door by the marquee (corner of Hart and Shirley Ave.)
Shirley School Supply Wish List
The school is always in need of parents' generosity. Please click on the link to see our supplies' list for each grade level. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
Campus Security
School Gates are Closed During School Hours
For the safety of everyone, especially our students, Shirley Elementary has a "locked Campus" policy. Gates are locked between 8:02 am and 2:30 pm. All students are required to stay within the gated area. Thank you for understanding and supporting the importance of this policy.
Traffic Safety
When dropping your child off in the morning or picking up your child after school, please follow these routines to eliminate dangerous situations for any students. 1) Drop your child off and pick up on the side of the school. Do not use the other side of the street. 2) Do not double park. 3) Do not ask your child to cross the street to meet you on the other side. 4) Practice courteous behavior. Wait for your turn to pull up to the side of the school. Refrain from honking. 5) Drive slowly and watch out for students. If all parents and guardian follow these routines, unnecessary tragedies will be avoided. Thank you for keeping our students safe.
Student Accident Insurance
Parents can purchase insurance for their child by clicking on the link above. LAUSD does not cover accidents on school grounds.